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Gallery » 2006 - January - December » Postal Chronicles of the German Plebisictes

- Articles;
Postal Chronicles of the German Plebisictes, page 139.
by Dr. John D. Neefus.
Mysteries of the Überrollers, page 151.
by Fritz V. Wald.
Leaving the Reich in 1936, page 154.
by Ken L. Lawrence.
How to Look After Your Collection; A Basic Guide, page 159.
by David R. Beech.

- News;
Germany on Exhibit, page 157.

- Columns;
Book Review; Katalog der Privatganzsachen Deutschland bis 1945, page 169.
Collector Questions, page 157.
From the President, page 171.
Letters to the Editor, page 135.
Mit Deutscher Post; Incoming Foreign Registration, page 164.
New Issues, page 166.

- Departments;
Adlets, page 175.
Membership Report, page 176.

Hits: 3085

Added: 30/10/2008
Copyright: 2024
