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Gotenhafen, Korridor & North Atlantic.
From the Beginning - - - to the End - - - 1938 - 1945.
Danzig's Westerplatte War extends around the World;

Case White:

*-  The Schleswig-Holstein's first look at Gotenhafen's harbour.

*-  The wreck of the Schleswig-Holstein as it appeared after the Allied heavy bombing raids near the end the war. The Cadet Schoolship was reduced to firing at advancing Soviet forces near the Baltic Sea.
This photo was made in Gotenhafen in 1945, as she was readied for scrap heap. A modern missle ship carried her name for the Bundes Republic from 1960. The foremast (Gefechtsmast) is missing, but once housed the artillery range-finding equipment and two searchlights (Scheinwerfer) above the bridge.

Danzig Study Group U.S.A.
Danzig Report Nr. 155 - January - February - March - 2012, Page 14.

Hits: 1978

Added: 04/03/2012
Copyright: 2024
