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Editor: John H. Bloecher Jr., 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21207

This issue on Danzig Zeppelin mail proved to be a bigger project than expected, but with Emil Kolpack’s translation and with Bud Hennig’s assistance, it has been completed. Now we are ready for your study, corrections and amplification of the article that first appeared in the Ruberg Danzig Catalog in 1929. Some additional information has been inserted [in brackets] and more can be added in subsequent Reports. If we waited for the definitive article that needed no corection, it would never be printed. Prices for cards and covers, incidentally, are quoted in 1929 Marks.


It is interesting to note that, according to a recently published bibliography of philatelic literature, only 3 articles on Danzig have ever appeared in the German Postal Specialist in 25 years: (One of these was reprinted here in Report #2.) It’s time that we did something about this.


Speaking of Specialist articles, the one by Fred Blau on “Graf Zeppelin over Palestine” in the January ‘76 issue is excellent. A perfect tie-in with our article herein.


Our Danzig Study Group has been invited to participate at INTERPHIL ‘76, May 29 thru June 6 at the Philadelphia Civic Center. If you plan to attend and expect to stay overnite, be sure to make room reservations as soon as possible. Philly will be packed in ‘76, but, with 38 foreign stamp dealers, it will be well worth the trip.


There are now more than 30 members of the D.S.G., expressing a wide range of interest even in this narrow field. One of the areas mentioned at our meeting at BALPEX was Danzig postal stationery. Anyone who has some interesting stationery specimens or who would like to write an article on the subject is invited to send them in. The invitation still stands for publication of your surplus list, including desired selling prices. Also, feel free to ask for special items on your want list; someone out there may have just the stamp or cover that you have been searching for. Please let us hear from you.

Danzig Report   Nr. 6 – November - December - 1975, Page 1.

Hits: 2435

Added: 26/05/2015
Copyright: 2024
