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Blitztelegram Danzig 

Blitzdanzig Telegram.
A 'Blitz Telegram' was a high priority telegram, dictated over the telephone, taking precendence over urgent private telegrams, and chargeable at ten times the ordinary word rate.
Giles du Boulay.

No - this is not an order to bomb Danzig !
A Blitztelegram was a nigh priority telegram, dictated over the telephone, taking precedence over urgent private telegrams, and chargeable at ten times the ordinary word rate.
The telegram form used here is from the issue of December 1943.

This Blitztelegram was telephoned from Danzig at 20.31 on 3.6.1944 and received in Hannover at 20.35. The message to be rushed round at lightning speed to Kathe Mayfeld at Adolf Hitler Strasse 75 is to telephone Jochen urgently in the morning. One can but speculate on the reason for such urgency: by June 1944 Danzig had had a fairly quiet war - but it was not to be long before the bombs began to fall.

Danzig Report 140, 2008, Page 16.

Hits: 1912

Added: 24/03/2008
Copyright: 2024
