Erwin Zwierzycki, one of the chief conspirators of’ the Lkwn FilaleIIsi3’ and a dear friend for many suggested at a meeting of the stamp club that we use the offered ticket to take a walk on the Dirschau Bridge This appears to be the equivalent of”Raus mit”, “lilt the trail”, or even “Gel lOSt” as we say in certain parts ofthis country Since Fiwin worked as maitre d’ in New York. it’s easy to see where he picks up his hospitality Never mind, because now we have the antique ticket and can walk over the Vistula anytime we are ready. As a matter of fact, this was done about live years ago, and the photo on Page 12 was taken from the auto bridge toward the train trestle, [As a technical note, ii was snapped by an ancient Casio QV3O digital camera that results in prints that resemble nice watercolors, a flit cry from the attempts today with niegaptxds that try to imitate film prints]
The ticket is 3W’ x 1-3/8” in size and is made of rose-colored newsprint. A fe of 2 Silbergroschen was charged to stroll across the bridge, wtich was just under a mile long at that point Tractors run below the bridge on land that was renewed by the spring floods
This postcard shows a photo of a steam engine crossing a temporary bridge at the Dirschau side of the river Message on reverse (with red SSala lIc censor mark) indicates that the card was mailed on 22 March 1940 to a prisoner.
For additional photos oft he Dirschau Bridge, see DR-93 also including map of area Below is another Digital photo taken with an early technology Note the large expanse ofarable fitmi land under the bridges.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 110 - January - February - March - 2001, Page 13.
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Added: 29/07/2015
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