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Gallery » Danzig Report 106 - 2000 » First Issue of German WHW Stamps

>  Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD) formed on 26 June 1935

Rex Dixon’s collecting specialty is WHW material from Germany. Here’s what he Wrote concerning the initial meeting announcing plans for the Winterhilfswerk:

On September 13, 1933, Joseph (Göhbels. the Nazi Minister for Propaganda. announced plans for winter relici action “unparalleled” in the history of mankind.

“This coming winter, the government is nol prepared to abandon the remaining millions of unemployed to their own misery and the dangers of the economic crisis. It has formulated a plan to stand by the citiins in an overwhelming relief work never before seen, in order to prevent undue suffering this winter.” Thus was launched the massive program and organhiation called the Hinterhilfswerk des Deutchen Volkes.. Its slogan was “ka,npfl mit gegen hunger und KäIIe’ (Winter Relief Fund of the German Nation... Fight against Hunger and Cold.)

First Issue of German WHW Stamps
Stamps with the WHW charity surcharge were issued during the five winters from 1936/37 to 1940/41. lxcept for flit’ first 1)anzig set. which was overpnnted. all sets were line-engraved, resulting in attractive designs with much tine detail. The set below consists of Mi. #634 thru #642. issued from 21 September to 2 November. modem buildings in the next 1934. The subjects were road-building for the initial printing and The set was valid until 30th of June. 1937.


Danzig Report  Nr. 106 - January - February - March - 2000, Page 7.

Hits: 3496

Added: 26/07/2015
Copyright: 2025
