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Gallery » Danzig Report 106 - 2000 » Acknowledgement and Bibliography


Acknowledgement and Bibliography

Rex A. Dixon --- for his years of research and his generosity in sharing WHW with other philatelisis. Stamp Magazine ---May 1999. article “Winter Relier’ by Rex A. Dixon Michel: Deutschland.Spezial 1999 Catalog

Erich 1-higenleldi, The German Winter Relief - Resume of the Speech made by ((err [lilgentNdt. the Chief Organizer on the occasion of a reception in the loreign Political 0(11cc, Berlin. leaflet No. 812 EngI.. Fichie Association (Fichie Bund). Hamburg, undated (hut probably 1935).

News sheet of the Third Reich Study Group of the (i&CPhSocicty, London.
Bulletin of the Third Reich Study (lroup of the GPS. USA.
Klaus WoltT. Berlin: “Danzig - Stempelkalalog Hand 1: Aufgabestempel’
Michel: Ganzsachen - Kalalog Deutschland 1982
William l. Shirer, “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich”. Ballantine Books, 1983. 1989.
Ray & Josephine Cowdery, “Papers Please!- Identity Documents,Perm its andAulhonzations of the Third Reich”. (Available from Album Publishing Co.. Inc., l0.Hox 34)063, Raleigh N(’ 27622) I .outs 1 . Snyder, “Encyclopedia of the Third Reich”, Marlowe & Co.. New York. 1976. “Ei,i Valk,

Third Reich, em Führer’ Zei:geschehen in Won, Bud ünd Thn,. Anthology. Parts I & LI. “German Postal Specialist”, Journal of the (ierrnany Philatelic Society of the U.S.A. kundschreibcn of the Arbcitsgemeinschati Danzig. Additional information on WHW will follow In a future Report.

Book Review 1
“POLAND REVENUES” by John Barefoot (England), building on the pioneering research by John Norton and Martin Frler.with major assistance from Ed Neumann (Canada) and, on the l)aniig scetion. from Dr. John I). Neefus (U.S.A.) and (illes du Boulay (England).
Copcs available from J. Hareloot Lid.,P0 Box B, York. Y024 4AR, [ng1and

Those of us who are Danzig enthusiasts have a collateral interest in Poland. In my growth toward a philatelist. I continue to build my library at every opportunity and delve into those subjects near the mainstream of stamp collecting, such as postal history, perfins. cancellations and revenues. The purc hase of ‘Poland Revenues” was such a purchase, and. to my pleasant surprise, there were sections on l)anzig (Free State), Memel. and Upper Silcsia, which were directly related to my interests. There are revenues cited for the Pie-World War I Poland, WWI (kcupalion, WWII (ienerulgouvernmcri(, provincial and regional is.sues, along with Polish National issues to recent times. The hook is in A4 format with 3 columns. The toni appears to he Times Roman and is easy to read. A fast count of listed Danzig revenue stamps put the count just over 1,000 in 18 catagones.
Dr. John D. Neefus

Book Review 2
“GREAT MYTHS of WORLD WAR II” by Karl Roebling. 1985. Paragon Pres& Dfynapress

Christmas has come and gone, depositing the usual Third Reich research material on the Frau, including this hook that was recornnwnded by author-friend illaine Taylor. It lives upto u.s hype, aided by a smooth writing style by the author, who says: “My hook assembles the entire mass of new information for the first time, adds some inescapable conclusions of my own from the data, presents a total and completely new picture, and calls for the dissolution of the old, wall-to-wall, popular hut incorrect mythological view of WWII” In spite of this rhetoric, it’s recommended reading’ -JB


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 106 - January - February - March - 2000, Page 21.

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Added: 27/07/2015
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