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Gallery » Danzig Report 107 - April, May, June 2000 » Cinema Reaction Card --- March 9, 1945 (Malcolm Steward)


25 March, 1945 -- 2-6 PM — Concentrated air raids upon the ancient centre of [)anzig, destruction of the water supply system. Soviets seize Ben(owo(Brcntau), Brzezno (Bresnow), Migowo (Muggau). The Germans open the flood gates of Kamienna Grobia (Steindamm)and flood Olszynka (GroB-Waklorf).

26 March, 1945--Soviet troops seize Orunia (Ohra), Ujescisko (Holle), Emaus (Emaus), Piecki (Pietzkendorf), Letniewo and the airfield in Zaspa (Saspe).

27 March, 1945--The Germans are expelled from Langfuhr, Siedlic(Schidlitz), Suchanino (Zigankcnberg, Nowy Port (Neufahrwaser), Cheim (Stolzenberg), Ostrow (IloIm) island, Grodzisko (?), Stare Szkoty (Altschottland) and ihe Schichau shipyard.

28 March, 1945-- hard fighting by Soviet units and the Westerplatte Heroes’ 1st armoured brigade against German troops. Iliskupia Gorka(Der llischofsberg), Dome M iasto (N iederstadt) and the Granaries Island are taken. Polish white and red flag is hoisted at the Artushof.

31.March, 1945 -- Fighting for Westerplatte and the seizure of the peninsula, the last of German resistance.

As a result of the struggles and the murderous fires in Danzig, even after it had been seized, the ancient city lay in 90% ruins and its suburbs were 50% destroyed. Some 6(NHI buildings were completely destroyed and a further 1300 were badly damaged. In 1948, the decision was made to reconstruct the Old Town. Architects and engineers worked from any existing plans, photos, or contemporary engravings and paintings in order to be as historically accurate as possible.

There are new films about to play at the cinema, and the distributor wants to know what reaction the audience will have. As always, a preview showing is set up. and an audience has been seated to watch the films, “lErdu Iiebe”and “Hochzeitin. Koralienmeer”. The cinema is located on he western side of the old town,on St. Elizabethkirchengasse. Were bombs dropping during the preview presentation? We are not sure, but Friday, March 9th was probably no holiday for the B1 7s and Lancasters that patrolled the Danzig skies during that time. Clarity of dialogue may have suffered if a raid actually occurred at the time of screening. The audience reaction card was mailed to the home office in GOttinl!en. Thanks to “Sir” Malcolm Steward for his innut on this card!


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 107 - April - May - June - 2000, Page 20.

Hits: 3200

Added: 28/07/2015
Copyright: 2025
