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Gallery » Danzig Report 108 - July, August, September 2000 » BAHNPOST Development around Danzig by Ton Hulkenberg


Report No. 108

Editor: John H. Bloecher, 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, MD. 21207-5230 USA

July, August, September 2000

BAHNPOST Development around Danzig
by Ton Hulkenberg

The connection of Danzig to the railroad system created quite a sensation at the time. Many of the events from those days are, more or less, unknown to us. In this article, the genesis of those events, such as the construction of the railroad lines around Danzig, and the construction of the railway stations will be briefly recalled. The differences between the railway station post office (Bahnhofspostamt) and the railway post office (Sped.Bur.) in Danzig will be discussed. An introduction into the different kinds of cancels that

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Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 108 - July - August - September - 2000, Page 1.

Hits: 2426

Added: 28/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
