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(C) In Danzig Report No.84, page 20, J.Whiteside hesitates over the numbering. The number of the Post-Speditkns-Amt is eleven, not two. The numbering was given in the order of the date of release of that particular Post-Speditions-Amt.

(d) All the cancels shown wi this article are named after the German nomenclature as specified by H.J.Anderson (see ref. 8)

(e) If space permits, we will show photos of the removal of the ramparts on the west side.
1. Am Legentor, Unser Danzig 20-11-1988
2. Danzig und seine Bauten p.322, Berlin 1908
3. Der Anschluss Danzigs an die Eisenbahn, F.Clausen in Arge Danzig #987
4. Die Bahnpoststempelder Freie Stadt Danzig, K Grônke, Das Postwertzeichen (11)1932
5. Die Stempel der preussischen Eisenbahri Postbureaus, P.Watrain. Der Philatelist (4)1902
6. Danzig Stempelkatalog Tell 1 and 3, K.Wolff, Berlin 1993, 1997
7. Danziger Postämter und derer? Lage. EClausen Argo Danzig #986
8. Die Bezeichnurig der Poststempelformen, H.J.Anderson, Neue Schriftenreihe der Poststempelgilde e. V. Heft 145 (1996)
9. Personal communications with Auffenberg (1997-9)
10. Postanstalten im Raum Danzig, Tell 1 and 2, A.Auffenberg in Arge Danzig 983a,b
11. Danzig im Jahre 1852. Der neueste Wegweiser für Fremde urid Einheimische (The newest Guide for Strangers and Inhabitants). Th.Bertling, Danzig 1852, Argo Danzig #284
12. Die Reichsbahndirektion in Danzig, J.Etzel in Linser Danzig 6 13(1983
13. Ostdeutsche Bahnposteri, H.J.Anderson in Arge Deutsche Ostgebiete Rundsschreiben
59-62 (1973-74)
1 4 DASV-Rundbrief 439 227 (1998) An explanation on the Spedition Bureaux of the Bahnpost (In German) by H.J.Anderson


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 108 - July - August - September - 2000, Page 17.

Hits: 2105

Added: 28/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
