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Gallery » Danzig Report 150 - January, February, March 2011 » Germany Learns to live with the Versailles Treaty

Germany Learns to live with the Versailles Treaty:

*- Junkers F-13 monoplanes on the line at Danzig-Langfuhr Airport.
*- Another view of the Danzig-insignied F-13 mail planes, all photos from HaJo's epic three- volume set, "LUFTPOST DANZIG". These are all from Volume One, as are all our photos, except for the Do-X series on Pages 14-16.
The F-13s were the staple of the fledgling commercial fleets, as were frequent crash landings. Airmail became the norm for inter-city correspondence, and the 1921 issues of stamps reflected new rates that took inflation into account. From top to bottom, the year of this crash was 1923, and the other two were from 1921. {A reminder - space has limited our use of further studies of specific 1920-'21 flights from Danzig, but John Plouffe is hot on the trail of Michel # 51's Story.}

Danzig Report Nr. 150 - 2011, page 12.

Hits: 2952

Added: 01/03/2011
Copyright: 2024
