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Gallery » Danzig The Germania Burelage Issue » Danzig - The Germania Burelage Issue

Danzig - The Germania Burelage Issue.

8. November, 1922.
Registered cover from Danzig-Langfuhr to Berlin.
Cover is franked with two 5 Mark stamps from the burelage series. One stamp is from the second issue with greenish-grey burelage, points UP and the other is from the third issue with lilac-grey burelage, points UP, for a correct total of 10 Marks postage. Postal rate from October 1, 1922 applies to this cover as follows:
Postage rate: - - - - - - - 4 Mk.
Registration: - - - - - - - 6 Mk.
Cover has a Danzig-Langfuhr registration label and is cancelled DANZIG-Langfuhr b dated -8.11.22 4-5N and is backstamped with a Berlin SO 16 receiving cancel on -9.11.22. 12-1N.

Two more postal rate increases followed in 1922 on November 15 and December 15. Although the stamps of the burelage issue were valid for postage through December 31, 1922, their use diminished during the final months of their validity. As inflation increased, stamp values as high as 100 Marks were issued in 1922. When inflation ended with the currency reform of October 31,1923, the highest valued stamp printed in Danzig was 500,000,000 Marks and a simple letter required over a Billion Marks postage.

Hits: 1905

Added: 20/03/2011
Copyright: 2024
