Contributing Editors: Ronny van Waardhuizen, Belgium
John L. Whiteside, Leeds, England
Glles du Boulay, Bucks, England
Bill Ruh, Port Washington NY
Bernard A. Hennig, Chicago IL
Historians: John Giiroy, Albany NY
Ernest Solit, Orleans MA
Hans Vogels, Gdar$sk, Poland
Ewa Panas Vogels, Gdañsk, Poland
Danzig unter der Lupe - These made it onto covers .................................Page 1, 3 thru 5
Stove of the Artushof by Wiadyslaw Dziemianczuk ..................................................6 - 10
Notice of Bankruptcy - 1931 - Officiai mall from the Amtsgericht .................................11
Bureau of Silly Walking - Gdansk Style.. .an Editorial ....................................................12
A Tribute to Eddie Krause ................................................................................................13
Whiteside Comments on Aus dem Brief kasten and a Cover to Bombay ................14-15
Gotenhafen Cancels & 1 00th-Anniversary Card of Gdynia, by Hans Vogels ...........16-17
Michel -- A Short Review of the 1997 Catalog Pricing, by Giles duBoulay ....................18
DSG Study Group Auction Rules ...............................................................................19-20
Auction #2-DR98 ........................................................................................................19-2 1
From Gyddanyzc to Danntczick to Gdanzk to Danczke, etc.......................................... 22
STUDY GROUP NEWS - The Elves stay busy on the 18th floor of the Danzig Publishing House!
By now, everyone knows that Erik Nagel is our new Auction Manager, giving us the kind of help that is necessary in getting this Report together. In fact, there are four (4) Reports started in the computer right now, most of which need to be fleshed out before they are even close to completion. We are happy to receive articles or descriptions of covers at anytime, and Erik is always happy to receive auction material. As for copies of covers, do you have covers that were to or from yacht clubs near Danzig in the ‘20s or ‘30s? If so, we have a beautiful chart of the yacht club ensigns to publish with them.
There will be a study group meeting in Birmingham, AL, Sat., February 28 at 4 P.M. This Report will be distributed to all members present, prior to its being mailed.
We hope to hold a special meeting of the Danzig Study Group for those who are in Europe the first week in June. There is a new hotel, the Hanza, which is on the Langbrücke just north of the Krantor. Plans will be finalized after we arrive on June 2nd. The Brits are aiming for May 29th thru June 6th for their stay, Nothing like a beautiful spring day in Dzg!
Main-article Publication plans are sketched out for this year as follows:
DR-99 Caveat Emptor! Dr. Bohne writes - Saar issues turned into Danzig “proofs”.
DR-100 Schrägdrucke -- A major study of the stamps and their forgeries.
DR-01 HP-1 Ganzsachen curiosity, with overlays to compare printing Types I & Il.
DR-102 Danzig Forerunners on cards and covers. (A gold mine in your collection?)
Additionally, we are ready for an update on the Danzig Katapultflug mail. Please join Art Hecker in sending in your copies of the covers. Napoleonic letters are also in the works.
COME JOIN THE FUN IN NUREMBERG -‘April 27 -May 4, 1999
We hope that Herr Wolff and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Danzig can join us in meeting there!
Danzig Report Nr. 98 - January - February - March - 1998, Page 2.
Hits: 2744
Added: 20/05/2015
Copyright: 2024