In this Report:
Ganzsachen HP-1 .......................................................................................................Page 1, 3-9
A New HP-1 Discovery (?) by Rex A. Dixon ...........................................................................10-11
Caveat Emptor! new problems with Auctions, by Walt Kohlbach ......................................12-13
Book Reviews: ‘Papers Please’ and Danzig u. seine Bauten’ ............................................13-15
Official Cover and 212a with Bleistifstriche .......................................................................16-17
Danzig Report Auction No.3- DR-101 ...................................................................................18-20
Things have moved forward in 1998, and we now have a better perspective as to where we are in the study of Danzig and its philateic history. Forgive the reference, but we made our tenth trip to Danzig! Gdansk in June and were (thankfully) able to celebrate the Centenary Issue of the Reports at a dinner that was under the supervision of a guy called Giles. Thanks to Giles and all those in attendance, for a memorable evening, delicious food, spectacular wine and the world’s best company!
One objective for the trip was to determine if the Julius Sauer Druckerei was still standing after the 1945 pounding of the city. We are pleased to report that it does appear to be in good shape, and, thanks to a post-war center section, is back in operation as a printing house. Photos and more in DR-102.
Thanks also to the Gdansk Philatelic Club for its special meeting honoring the 100th edition of the Reports! This came as a complete surprise.., the proclamation and beautifully-printed book were great!
Werner M.Bohne 1920 - 1998
By now, you have probably heard that Dr. Bohne died on June 19, 1998. It would take more than this page to list all of his philatelic accomplishments, but suffice it to say that Werner was one of those learned philatelists who was always willing to share his knowledge. It was thru his efforts that we were able to assemble the information in DR-99 and DR-100, as well as the ammunition to condemn the latter-day forgers who somehow missed the spirit of philately in their pursuit of the almighty zloty. We seldom saw Werner and Sarah, except at the GPS conventions, but we always looked forward to the experience and to a conversation about that last issue of the Third Reich -- did it or didn’t it find its way into the mail boxes or post offices in Berlin while the city lay in rubble? Werner had intended to help us ii a study of the large- numeral overprints (and others) of 1920. It would have been great if only he had the time left to work on this project, but now it will be up to the rest of us to carry on the study.
Thanks, Werner, for your inspiration, your prodding and your friendship over these years.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 101 - October - November - December - 1998, Page 2.
Hits: 2374
Added: 23/07/2015
Copyright: 2024