grateful to John for all of the work that went into these research projects and welcome him as one of our newest members. His collection of Danzig at GERMANIA POSTA VI at Watford, England, earned the A.P.S. Award of Distinction. Well done:
Roy Dodd has lent 3 Zeppelin covers to augment our last article. Two of the covers include the 2 Gld. air stamp (Mi 206) with unlisted varieties. Others will also he illustrated next time.
Ken David is putting his vast knowledge of East European politics to our use by focusing on Danzig’s turbulent past. Such spin-offs 2 from Ken’s postgrad days will be printed in future issues.
Where to get those Danzig stamps and covers has been a problem for the advanced collector. Few U.S. dealers can supply the rarities available from London’s Pete Rickenback, but interesting Danzig items are often available from the Phi Shop, P.O.Box 1136, La Mesa, California 92041. A list of 25 lots of mostly mint Danzig appears in the latest list from Dean Patterson, Box 72, Rice Lake, Wisconsin 54868. William E. Kahn, Box 92, Spring Valley, NY 10977 has a price list of hundreds of Danzig items, including 31 III on piece, expertised GPSY, for $55; 34 I with split bar, $ 8 mint; 100 aX $ 14.75.
Herbert Eiben has sent some approvals. If you have a use for any of the following, please make out a check to Mr. Eiben and send it to the Editor. We will forward the check and any unsold stamps to him. Mi 42]U mint 430.00; 2811 used (CTO?) $45.00; 86 Y used $8.00; 100 Ya, l00 Yb, loly mint $10.00 set. This information is for your convenience and all guarantees must be discussed with the dealers.
For some time we have felt the need for a concise chart of the many variations beginning with Michel 261 thru 461 V. Included should be cross-references to Scatt and Ruberg where they exist, and a comparison of 1930 prices with today’s Deutsch Marks. A ore simplified listing of burelage in color, point direction, and double printing would be helpful, as well as the validity dates for each issue, in order to quickly check cancellations or cover authenticity. The Michel number of the German forerunner that is overprinted “Danzig” can often be helpful in checking paper and ink varieties, prewar and wartime printing, etc.
The following 3 pages provide us with these facts, and we hope that you will find them useful.. The first 5 columns provide a space to keep inventory of your stamps and covers. Use this chart to check the validity dates of all covers and more expensive used stamps before buying. It can save you money.
Some interesting examples of this series are shown below, with double burelage in the first two:
Danzig Report Nr. 7 - January - February - 1976, Page 2.
Hits: 2256
Added: 25/05/2015
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