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Gallery » Danzig Report 8 - March, April 1976 » DANZIG REPORT Nr, 8


Editor: John H. Bloecher Jr., 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21207

A reminder to all members of the Danzig Study Group that INTERPHIL ‘76 is only a few days away. Consider the Amtrack for one-day sorties into Philadelphia if you are unable to get housing. We listed the events last time, but remember the Danzig Study Group Meeting in the GPS Hospitality Suite at 2 P.M. on Friday, the 4th of June. Our GPS Banquet will be held later that same day, so try to be there on the 4th


A request has come from a GPS member for information or material for trade or sale on Danzig stamp booklets. Delevan C. Clos of 7 Shore Park Drive, Newport News, VA 23602 is interested not only in the material itself but also in obtaining articles on the booklet subject.


Next issue we hope to show a new variety of Mi. 56 which has been recognized by Michel and will appear as a listing in their next catalog. The variety, imperforated on top and bottom but perf on both sides, is owned by Dr. Werner Bohne. He feels sure that this used stamp has some cousins somewhere and wonders if any of you have come across a similar item


Quick Any of you who own Danzig CATAPULT covers and who would be willing to send them in for publication are requested to send a Xerox or photostat of the covers to John Mattler, 722 Woodward Dr., St. Louis, MO 63125. In this way John will be able to complete the layout for his article and we will all benefit. Thanks.


Don’t forget the GPS Fall Convention at COMPEX in Chicago on August 27 thru 29. Our Group will meet there, too.


The first article on Page 2 is a follow-up on the Ruberg Zeppelin translation illustrating some covers from Roy Dodd’s collection. It wasn’t until after these pages were printed that Roy and I noticed that the top cover on Page 3 is  the same as that printed in the Ruberg book

A valuahle study is the article beginning on Page 4 by John Whiteside. Many enjoyable hours are ahead for all of us in studying our covers and used stamps to see if any of the missing links can be found. Report them


Danzig Report   Nr. 8 - March - April - 1976, Page 1.

Hits: 2682

Added: 25/05/2015
Copyright: 2024
