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Danzig Report Nr. 12


Editor: John H. Bloecher Jr., 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21207

Gene Marshall, from Shreveport, La., sends copies of an article on the “The Province of Prussia” which‚ appeared in the 1854 issue of The Home Cyclopedia. This interesting history of Danzig and its surrounding NEWS neighbors will be reprinted as soon as we finish our postal history series.

From Clinton, N.Y. , Herb Sears has sent a copy of his version of Mi. 56Uu which has been submitted to GPSY. This mint copy has a straight bottom edge, but the top appears to be severed by a more primitive means. Keep us informed of the outcome, Herb. Any other strange lvii. 56’s out there?

We had a pleasant discussion with GPS member Dick Nurnberg at COMPEX concerning the Germania overprints of 1920, with their various perforations. There is a strong interest in Early Empire studies, but no one ( seems to have the time to start a study group for this area. Essential to many of us would be a translation of the Michel section which covers this time span.

Two excellent booklets by Curt Michaelis (in German) are “Flugpost von und nach Danzig”, Part I (52 pages) and Part II (36 pages). These illustrated books carry a wealth of information on all important flights, Zepppost, Katapultflüge, inflation, Polish post offices in Danzig, etc. The pair may be ordered from INDI, P.O. Box 41268, Indianapolis, md. 46241, for $9.50 postpaid. The type is clear and translation for even beginners appears to be easy.

A note was received from Dave Mocabee of Stanton, California, with the following auction item:Mi. MI-16 h 1936 Complete booklet w/ stamps on yellowish paper, extremely scarce and way underpriced 1’-VF’ NH. Photo (Cat. value) DM 5500.00 (Starting bid) $1950.00 Needless to say, there were no takers.

Beginning on P. 3 is the first of the 1930 Ruberg article translated by Prof. Holger Homann of GPS Baltimore Chapter 16. Illustrations of covers supplied by Bud Hennig have been inserted at chronological


Danzig Report   Nr. 12 – November - December - 1976, Page 1.


Hits: 1964

Added: 31/05/2015
Copyright: 2024
