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The letters of the Postcheckamt (postal cheque office) usually have machine cancellations. Four cancellations are connected to each other by eight lines. Two 2-circle cancellations (Type 5) have the inscription ‘Danzig” on top and “P.Sch.A.” on the bottom. The other two have “P.Sch.A.” on top, below that a circle segment, then, horizontally, “Danzig”, with the remainder taken up by a post horn.

Immediately after the creation of the Free State, the postage stamps of the German Empire were used. Later they were over printed “Danzig” by the Berlin Reichsdruckerei (Emperial Press), and subsequently from the Sauer Press in Danzig.

Finally, the postal administration moved on to its own designs and, today, has available postage stamps quite modern and beautiful in color effect and design.

On December 8, 1921, the following was decreed about tho validity of the postage stamps over-printed with “D M”: The official stamps (Dienstmarken) issued on September 1, 1921, with overprint of “D M” from the shield issue (Wappenausgabe), with values up to 3M were allowed to be used for official postal mailings to Germany, Poland, the Memel area, but not for any foreign mailings.

The following decree was issued for the change in the frame of the 1 and 2 Gulden postage stamps:
A rather large number of 1 and 2 Gulden stamps printed at the Empire Press (Reichsdruckerei) disappeared (through theft?). In order to avoid loss for the Postal Service, they will be replaced by. stamps with orange (1G) and pink (2G) frames, effective January 1, 1925. Exchanges are allowed until January 31, 1925. The old stamps become invalid on January 10, 1925.

IN CONCLUSION, a table is provided to give a listing of all Danzig stamps with the dates of their validity.

(Note: The column headings translate to the following: Issue ........ Values ........ Date of Issue ........ Las-t day of validity Dates are listed: DAY - MONTH - YEAR)


Danzig Report  Nr. 15 – July - August - September - 1977, Page 10.

Hits: 1684

Added: 05/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
