affixed to the cover in a sort of block design of four, with a small space between the stamps. In every instance, these constitute a large underfranking, if one considers them genuinely forwarded. This could occur in a single letter but certainly could not occur in such a large number.
Hennig’s copy of Nürnberg letter dated 29.10.23. Both ‘examples contain a red two-line receiving stamp in a box: Mit Luftpost beförder-t/Postarnt Nürnberg 2. The “Mit Luftpost” lables are light yellow and appear to be of the same type on both covers. The NUrnberg backstamp is dated 30.10.23.
For the record,, it should be mentioned that G. Michaelis’ book, “F].ugpost von und riach Danzig” contains no photos of covers with any one of the fourth air set stamps. Mr. Michaelis listed the following Letter (briefe) rates in his chart: GebUhren nach Deutsehiand 1921-1923:
Weitere Getflhren sind für diese Zeit nicht bekannt. (Further rates for these are not known!)
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 37 - October - November - December - 1982, Page 14.
Hits: 2565
Added: 12/06/2015
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