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Gallery » Danzig Report 58 - January, February, March 1988 » Zweikreisstempel without year

> Zweikreisstempel without year

Illustrated on the two previous pages are 50 examples of the 5—6 (PM) time slot. In identifying cancels with a transparent overlay, we have found that lining up the diagonal bar of the Z first will immediately show whether the two cancels are concentric. Apparently, the Z (as well as the other letters) are in varied height and width, changing the angle of the diagonal.

The 18.12.38 cancel appears to be either misdated or a true anomally; it is different from all others on the page, until it becomes concentric with 26.7.43. Note also the short dash between 5—6, which doesn’t appear until 27.10.40.

The line between day/month appears from 8.43 thru 9.46, with the exception of the crooked example in 5.38.

As you can see, the D—G angle is 145° and D—Z is 90° in 14.5.39, going to 140°/85° in 27.10.40. The DAN letters stay in position, but the JG moves east. This remains until 26.7.43, when the NZIG makes a major move and measures 135°/75°. From this point thru 28.4.64, the cancels are concentric. Then a major change takes place in 7.8.68: the space between A and N increases and the angles become 140°/87° The 5—6 also moves considerably to the east, but notice that the D—G distance appears to remain the same. Only the interior letters move. The final 16.3 cancel was from a cover of unknown vintage, but, with the help of the overlay, it falls exactly within parameters of 7.8.68. We are able to determine that the 9.3 cancel is from between 1840 to 1842, with its wide 5—6 stance. By 26.7.43, the almost-Italic numeral 5 becomes more upright in stature.

Note that serifs are present in most of the D’s, but that the lack of serifs may be due to the inking of the canceller, not a loss of metal. This may prove that the presence or absence of D serifs aren’t valid criteria for dating of any cancels.

The 1.7 and 31.3 cancels at the right appear to be the same as our errant 18.12.38 cancel mentioned above, and concentric in every way.


Ten examles of the Danzig  6 - 7 time cancels


Danzig Report  Nr. 58 - January - February - March - 1988, Page 28.

Hits: 1671

Added: 24/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
