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Gallery » Danzig Report 60 - July, August, September 1988 » Official Document Transmittals


Editor: John H. Bloecher Jr., 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21207

No. 60 July-Aug-Sept 1988

1. Official Document Transmittals
On past occasions, we have illustrated the use of official covers containing several special
handstamps. The folded cover below tells us:

It is the bottom half of a document from Circuit Court 3 in Danzig, Neugarten, and is dated on the inside: 6.10.25. In almost all other examples of this type of summons, they are complete pages, with the top included. The summons is signed by the Kanzlei Assistent, or clerk of the court, folded twice, sealed with a scalloped-edged gummed paper which is stamped with a purple handstamp indicating that it is from the Amstgericht Danzig. The stamps consist of one D—49 with two D-42’s, totalinq 60 Gulden. Normal postage during this period was 10 Gld., but the additional 40 Gld. was for payment of Zustellungsurkunde, or the requirement of proof of delivery. Still missing is an explanation of the 10 Gld. charge. The purple-stamped Zuruck / 8.OKT.1925 indicates that the Danzig grocer, Herr Borczynksi, was not found and the letter was returned to the court, undelivered. Hence, the court paid the extra 10 Gulden for the return postage, at the time the mail was sent. If you compare your own covers and


Danzig Report Nr. 60 - July - August - September - 1988, Page 1.

Hits: 2698

Added: 26/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
