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Gallery » Danzig Report 70 - January, February, March 1991 » THE ROYAL CHAPEL: King John III Sobieskis Gift to Danzig


King John III Sobieski’s Gift to Danzig

While we were in Gdansk in May, 1990, a Polish guide named Margaret was walking with our small group toward the center of the city. This conversation took place:

Editor:  “Which market is this?”
Margaret:   “This is the Timber Market.”
Bud Hennig (Looking at equestrian statue): “Is this John Sobieski?”
Margaret: (surprised) “Yes.. .that’s right.”
Bud: “I have a letter from him.”
Margaret: (increduously) “”
Bud: “Yes I do. And he was in Gdansk at the time! He was writing to his teacher in Italy. It was in Latin and signed Re Rex John Sobieski.”
Editor: “This statue wasn’t always here, was it? On some cards, I’ve seen an obelisk—shaped shaft located in the center of the square.”
Margaret: (recovering) “It was moved from Lwów after 1958.” That may have been the first and last time that a guide in Gdansk had a client who heard from King John III Sobieskil
(Can any of you translate the Latin?)

Top: On the Langgasse... across from the original Hauptpostomt, now the main Polish office.


Danzig Reportn  Nr. 70 - January - February - March - 1991, Page 4.

Hits: 2690

Added: 29/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
