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In This Report:

High Inflation - Did it end in 1923? ...........................................................Page 1-4
Voices from the Past: The 5 Mark Overprint ....................................................5-6
A Year of Crisis — 1935: Forced Emigration .................................................7—15
From the ARGE ............................................................................................16—17
New World and the Nether World .....................................................................17
Index of Gdañsk Post Offices Since 1945 ..................................................18—19
Letters to the Editor..................................................................................... 20-23
Folio Print: Danzig Harbor in 1770 ...................................................................24

Notes from the Editor

A couple of years ago, the Editor and Bud Hennig were taking a taxi (!) from Warsaw to Gdaiisk, mainly because we couldn’t make the train connections. While our traveling companions were having an adventure in the ladies’ room, and I couldn’t find an English-speaking person to light our way to the proper ticket window, Bud had negotiated the journey with a taxi driver. I had some misgivings, since a colleague had recently rented a car for the same route and reported bad road conditions. After a short discussion, we decided to go for it. The 3-1/2 hour trip was beautiful, with the May fields and the trees lining the road in full bloom. Even though the road had only two lanes, it was possible to easily pass a slow vehicle or cart, which could move to the wide shoulder. The entire route was freshly paved. When we pulled into Gdaisk, our friendly driver pointed to his watch; we had beaten the train into the city by a few minutes!

The reason for telling this story is that The Experts in the back seat had a terrible time translating the Polish town names into their more familiar German equivalents. Abbott and Costello couldn’t have done a worse job, and we ended up with translating only ONE town: Elbiag into Elbing. That takes care of the Experts. For you, it will be easier, because there is a list on Pages 18—19 that brings the post-war post offices up to date. Years ago, we published a rough copy of this chart and caught flak due to the errors. (Art Hecker was one of the eagle-eyes.) This list came from Karl Kniep and should be more accurate. Never drive to Gdansk without one!


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 75 - April - May - June - 1992, Page 2.

Hits: 2809

Added: 01/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
