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There was much to do in Gdan’sk: meet old friends Karl and Hhlda Kniep, Giles du Boulay, Rick Jacops, and many others. Our host for the next two days was Edward Badas, who provided us with all kinds of things, both philatelic and historical information. Enough cannot be said for Edward’s gracious scheduling of events and his outgoing personality, that made everyone feel at home.

First, let’s look at Gdansk and compare 1993 to previous years’ visits. From all appearances, “things” are better than ever. The stores have a better selection of goods, and there is a new addition on the Lange Brucke near the Breadsellers’ Gate. For those of us who have wished for a store that sells books, post cards, video tapes, posters, old Danzig jewelry, and other things that we outsiders consider essential, this place is as near to Heaven as we may get. They even have T-shirts with silk-screened scenes of Danzig. A large selection of the Danziger Hauskalender was on display, as well as photo books (in German and Polish). Our suitcases, tiny as they were, groaned with the weight of the books. Oh, yes, they also had a nice collection of maps, including the classic Ortsverzeichnis der Freien Stadi Danzig. We gave up on the idea of schiepping home a model of a 4-masted schooner, since there was no more room in the under-seat luggage.

On the left is the latest phase of the Rathaus renovation. In May of 1992, the scaffolding was beginning to be installed. This May brought more workers, and the main entrance was closed to tourists. The large sheet hanging from the scaffold is an ad for Hevelius Beer, so you know that things are getting back to normal. On your next visit, be sure to take the tour of the building; it should be open in 1994.

We have been keeping watch on the Artushof for several years, as that renovation work progressed. Finally, 1993 is the year of dedication. With the help of Edward Hadas and others in the Polish Philatelic organization, we spent an hour in the building, listening to a description of the work fn progress and sipping some of the good local beer. The tour began in the building next door and to the east of the Anus, and the rebuilt circular wooden staircase appears to be the one that the ancient members used to climb to the second floor of the main building. This reception room is very plain. Walking through the door to the main floor of the Anus shows the difference in height between the reception room


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 80 - July - August - September - 1993, Page 17.

Hits: 2325

Added: 05/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
