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Gallery » Danzig Report 87 - April, May, June 1995 » The Attack on the fost Office


The collect ion of clocunients on Page 16 show an internsting history of the fate of Ed. K/inkosz:
1. 26.9.1939: Note from the Gestapo Danzig that he had been taken prisoner on 1.9.1939.
2. 289.1939: Letter horn the NSD14P Gauleitung Danzig to the wife of Klinkosz, saying that they sent her request for mforniation concerning her husband to the Gestapo.
3. 6.10.1939: Letter of the Court of the Eberharn’t Group. saying that Klinkosz was sentenced to death and executed.
4. 17.10.1939: &trnct from the Death Regis fet; saying that Klinkosz was killed on 510.1939.
5 August 1991: Wedding ring with inscription: PV 4.4.26. belonging to !(linkosz who was married on that day to Prakseda Vogel.

illustration 9: After capitulation of the defenders at the Polish Post Office, the survivors we,’ taken to the Iflctoriaschule for processing and for ten;poraiy internment. The I4ctoriacchule was a local high school for gb-h. located near Holzgasse #23,26. about 200 meteis .couth of the G,’at Synagogue site. The building was erected in 1881-1882 and enlarged in 190.5. The school was designated. in September 1939, as the central assembly point for anosted Poles. since the prison near the main police station, then near Schiessfange. was filled with previously aiws fed Poks. L4ctoriaschule was chosen because of its proximity to the main police station, to Gestapo head-quarters and to the Schiesstange.

Illustration 9-10: Wladyslaw Dzie,ninnczuk sent in the above 1917 L’7cto,iaschule photo and Hans Vogels two photos of the ceremonies commemorating the discoveiy and rebuilal of the postal workeis who were found in the common grave in Zaspa. The laiger photo shows the monument, with the post office off might: the sinai/er photo shows the honor guaid with caskets of the defendeis on 5Apr11 1992.

Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 87 - April - May - June - 1995, Page 17.

Hits: 2379

Added: 11/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
