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Gallery » Danzig Report 93 - 1996 » The Bordeaux Correspondence 1759-1803 by John Whiteside


Figure 8 - Written at Danzig 31 December 1771. Number 45 and rate 28 Danzig groschen or, back and “1w7” in red on hoot. MASEYCK and intermediate rate 4 sous. Single rate 34 sous. Arrived 14 January 1772.

Figure 9- Written at Danzig 15 Mar. 1774. No.6 1 and 32 Danzig groschen on back. “fo.Weser on 110171. MASEYCK and intermediate rate 4 sous. Double rate 013 livres 6 sotis and the double rate indicator. Arrived Bordeaux, 2 April. 1774.

Figure 10- Written at Danzig. 4 July. 1780 No.45 and 32 Danzig groschen on the back and fr.Weseron the front. MASEYCK and intern late rate 4 sous. Sin qle rate wit “extra sou” of 35 sous. Arrived Bordeaux, 22 July, 1780.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 93 - October - November - December - 1996, Page 9.

Hits: 2341

Added: 19/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
