DO-X Mail from Danzig ................................................................................................1, 3-12
A Look at the R.Drews Auction #11 ................................................................................13-14
Those Pesky Postman-Cancels” don’t exist! ......................................................................15
Siegfried Rosenberg - The Hauskalendermann 1919-1996............................................... 15
Danzig 1997- A Quick Look at the Millenium Exhibition ................................................16,17
An Unusual and Special color Post Card ............................................................................18
One of the busiest guys that we know took time to read over our report on the fascinating Do-X saga and offered suggestions, a cover and a book - that’s loaded with contemporary photos and text. This is Ollie Clemons, who toils mightily but who loves to share his extensive knowledge of this PXAS COOPERATING *5 SPE.CJAL AGENTS great seaplane and its postal history. We all say thanks , Ollie!
We have included another report on a recent philatelic auction that included some spec ialized Danzig material. This, along with some stamp details, will allow us to also include a bit of Millenium information, which is being celebrated during 1997. The only problem with starting the festivities in April was the weather, dropping snow showers on Adalbert’s boat as it came to the Langbrucke on April 18th. (What are 0 degrees C?)
Seems that a major error crept into the headline on the cover page of DR#94. Ignore the terminology “Retour” - the cover was pf sent back to the sender. Simply stated, the registry wasn’t allowed on the Hmdenburg flight and the letter was sent through as a standard, unregistered item. Who can be blamed for such an egregious editing job? Not Ronny, the supplier of the cover, and certainly not the usual editor, who was out of town at the time the headline was written. It must have occurred on the 18th floor of the Danzig Publishing House, probably by one of the associate Headline Writer & Associate Editor editors(pictured at right). Why wasn’t this error caught by a text Gillian A. Cooper checker? I’ll tell you why. Because we have been forced to lay off fourteen more proof- readers. As a recent Führer has stated, “I may not always be right, but I’m never wrong.” So there.
Now, on to better things, Staff!
Cape Cod Ernie Solit (the Danzig picture-postcard whiz) would like to communicate with collectors who are on-line and have similar interests, at e-mail address: ernie@capecod.net
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 95 - April - May - June - 1997, Page 2.
Hits: 3250
Added: 19/07/2015
Copyright: 2025 Danzig.org