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Gallery » Danzig Report 95 - April, May, June 1997 » DO-X MAIL FROM DANZIG : BIBLIOGRAPHY


Figure 14: Amtsblatt des Reichpostministeriums (Official Notice of the National Ministry of Posts), with the mailing requirements translated above, on Page 3.

Arrow, Nick: The Dornier Do-X, Germania, publication of the Germany & Colonies Philatelic Society, Vol.14, August 1978, pp. 166-179. Supplemental article: Germania, June 1989, PP. 137-147.

Clemons, Oliver W.,Jr: The Transatlantic Fllqht of the DomierDo-X, German Postal Specialist, Nov.1990 (Vol.41 No.8), Mar.’91(Vol.42 No.3), May’91(Vol.42 No.5), July 91(Voi.42 No.7), May ‘92 (Vol.43 No.5)

Harms, Günter: Do-X Luftpost Katalog 1929-1933, Dritte Auflage (3rd Edition), Published by the Author. Brernen, Germany, 1985.

Hoffman, George W.: The Do-X, A series of 25 articles appearing in The Airpost Journal from April 1971 - November 1974. Published by tile American Air Mail Society.

Schneider, RoIf: The Do-X Story, Published by the Author, Essen, Germany, 1969. Pletschacher, Peter: Grosstlugschiff Dornier Do-X, Motorbuch Verlag Stuttgart. 2. Auflage 1982.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 95 - April - May - June - 1997, Page 9.

Hits: 3397

Added: 19/07/2015
Copyright: 2025
