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Gallery » Danzig The Germania Burelage Issue » Danzig - The Germania Burelage Issue

Danzig - The Germania Burelage Issue.

24. February, 1922.
Postcard from Danzig to Rützengrün Germany
Postcard is franked with a single copy of a 1¼ Mark burgundy on 3 (Pf) brown Germania stamp from the burelage issue (lilac-grey burelage, points DOWN).
Postal rate from January 1, 1922 applies and is follows:
Card rate to Germany: - - - - 1.25 Marks.
Card is cancelled from the main Danzig post office with a DANZIG 1t circular date cancel dated 24.2.22. 3-4N.

Hits: 1977

Added: 20/03/2011
Copyright: 2024
