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Danzig Report Nr. 21


Editor: John H. Bloecher Jr., 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21207

der Danziger Inflationsjahre 1923
This issue of the Danzig Report inaugurates a detailed study of the effects of high inflation upon the postal history of Danzig during the eventful year of 1923. In our own recent history, inflation has finally caught the attention of the leaders, and we all feel the consequences of the decline of the dollar vs. foreign currencies. A similar situation began building in Germany after the first World War, as reflected in the chart below.

The “War to End All Wars” had immensely destructive effects upon all spheres of European life, with dire consequences on the economy (Perhaps the fact that no war in the memory of those living in 1914 had produced a destruction on the magnitude of World War I, caused those who were first to leave for the trenches to do so in a happy, patriotic and celebrating mood. A few months of reality reversed this outlook.)

In the contemporary German cartoon above, another in a series of continuing economic crises is consuming the desperate planners. A similar illustration could well be repeated in today’s newspapers.

In the contemporary German cartoon above, another in a series of continuing economic crises is consuming the desperate planners. A similar illustration could well be repeated in today’s newspapers.


Danzig Report  Nr. 21 - November - December - 1978, Page 1.

Hits: 1908

Added: 06/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
