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Gallery » Danzig Report 6 - November, December 1975 » MEDITERRANEAN JOURNEY of the LZ127 ‘GRAF ZEPPELIN”


Start:                                                                 April 23th, 1929 13:35 o’clock Friedrichshafen
Landing:                                                          April 2th, 1929 22:2’s o’clock [Non-stop]
Duration of flight:                                        52 hours, 50 minutes
Fee:                                                                    Card- 1.40 Gulden. Letter: 2.80 Gulden (20 Grams)
Obtained in Danzig for delivery:           86 letters, 76 cards = 162 total
Price:                                                                Card- 20 RM Letter- 50 RM

The next pleasure trip of the LZ 127 went over France, Spain, Africa and Italy. Letters carried along in four postal sacks were dropped over Seville, Spain. Beside a symbolic representation of the airship over a palm grove, the mail again received a large (35 mm) circle cancellation: ‘LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN/MITTELMEERFAHRT 1929”. The receiving Post Office in Seville verified the arrival by machine cancellation: 24 April 1929, 12 o’clock. Also, a small number received a hexagonal airmail arrival cancellation. Up to now, Danzig letters with this cancellation are not known.

The German Reichpost remains silent and refuses information upon request concerning the total amount of mail obtained for transportation, so that the few pieces of Danzig mail in general, still reduced by losses on all journeys, cannot compare with the total amount of post.

Danzig Report  Nr. 6 – November - December - 1975, Page 7.

Hits: 1901

Added: 26/05/2015
Copyright: 2024
