International Air-Post-Exhibition.
Danzig 21. - 31. Juli 1932.
Luposta Danzig - Nr. 1 / November 1931.
Exhibition conditions for the 'Luposta 1932'.
9. If a delivery and a taking back of the objects is desired personally this has to be arranged well timed with the Direction of the Exhibition.
10. Redelivery takes place in the manner desired from the sender. Material for a safe redelivery and postage have to be putted to the disposal of the Direction of the Exhibition.
11. Collections, higher distinguished from the 'Fédération International de Philatélie' as with the 'Great Golden Medal' have to be exhibited in the 'Class of Honour'.
12. All these collections wich are distinguished with a golden medal or a distinction corresponding the golden medal, received on an international acknowledged exhibition during the last 6 years are to exhibit in the 'Master-Class'.
13. The same conditions are of value for all collections which are out of competition.
14. It is of condition that the pieces of a collection belong to the exhibitor.
15. The Direction of the Exhibition has the right to refuse transmitted objects without declare the reason.
16. The objects of the exhibition are posed at the 'Luposta's' disposal during the time of the exhibition. An utilization during this time is not allowed to the exhibitor.
17. The Direction of the Exhibition is not liable for the delivered objects, against that shi is willing to arrange an assurance to a preference price for the exhibitor.
18. An international Jury will being called through the Direction of the Exhibition. She will consist of specialist of airmail science and nominate herself her president. Votings are deciding with majority. The president decides with equality of votes. The judgement of the Jury is definitive and not to contest.
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Added: 15/07/2009
Copyright: 2025