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Gallery » Danzig Report 112 - July, August, Septembet 2001 » The siege and capitulation of Danzig, 1807


was completed by 2 April. Meanwhile attacks were also macic on the other conurbations. On 3 April the. church and hospital of All Saints in the Halben Allee in the suburb of Langfuhr were destroyed by fire. As a result of the onset of the bornhardmcnt of the I lagelsberg, and the nearby Bischofsberg, many citizens fled towards I anggarten and the Nicdcrstadt. Ordinary workmen’s houses, guesthouses and the “Loge Eugenia” were pressed into use as temporary aecomodation for refugees. In the city itself, even the Artushof was requisitioned as a field hospital. A thaw permitted the French better progress. and a second parallel was dug by 14 April.

General Kalckreuth had all the trees felled along the Great Avenue beside the Hagelsbcrg leading to the Olivaer Thor in order to deny the French shelter. The timber was used to strengthen the walls. The Prussian infantry attempted a sortie on 13 Apr11 and, having refused a demand for the surrender of the city, yet another on 26 April. Each time, however, they were driven back after heavy fighting amidst the trenches. All the while the city was under heavy bombardment. By the 29 April, the third and last parallel was completed. Kalkreuth made several more raids only to be repulsed again and again.

On 12 May. a fleet of Russian vessels, with 8000 Cossack and Prussian reinforcements under the comm and of Lieutenant General Kanienskoi, accompanied by a British Royal Navy squadron tried to come to the aid of Danzig, disembarking troops near to the mouth of the Vistula from sixty-six transport ships. Their landing was protected by three British frigates. Falcon, Sally and Charles, as well as a flat- bottomed “praam” sioop (the Dauntless) with further supporting fire from the Weichselmilnde fort.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 112 - July - August - September - 2001, Page 15.

Hits: 2043

Added: 30/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
