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Gallery » Danzig Report 112 - July, August, Septembet 2001 » The siege and capitulation of Danzig, 1807


French forces had already taken the Island of Hoim, situated between Weichselmünde and Danzig, and were also encamped in two places on the western extremity of the long sandy island (the Nehrung) where the Vistula divided into two branches northwest of the city. General of Brigade Schramm was at the more advanced post with the second light infantry regiment, and a battalion of Saxons and Poles. General Gardanne held a position further back, protecting the east flank of the island of Hoim. Napoleon, already alerted to the threat of the incoming Russian and British ships, had quickly ordered Marchal Lannes, commander of the reserve corps of the Grande Armee, to march from Marienhurg (35 miles to the southwest), with the support of General Oudinot, thus French reinforcements arrived almost immediately.

Kamenskoi at first held his troops back, but, on 15 May, they advanced in four columns in an attempt to break through to the besieged city. Bitter fighting ensued with heavy casualties on both sides. The attempt to relieve Danzig failed and Kamenskoi re-embarked his remaining men. Courageous last efforts by Sally and Dauntless to relieve the city were forced back under heavy musket and cannon fire. Dauntless, with 600 barrels of gunpowder on board, destined for the garrison, ran aground on the Nchrung and was seized as a prize by the French.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 112 - July - August - September - 2001, Page 16.

Hits: 1979

Added: 30/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
