In this Report
WHW Winter Relief Campaign --- Its Origins and the Danzig Campaign Pages.......... 1, 3-21
The South American Catapult Flights, by Jim Graue ....................................................22-35
e-mail Addresses..................................................................................................................36
Auction #4-DR. 106..........................................................................................................37-43
Gdansk ( fragment ), P. Willer, ok. 1687...............................................................................44
As Things Are
Tired of hearing about the new Millennium. Y2K and all that junk? Of course, so let’s enjoy our hobby for a while. We have been fortunate 10 have a couple of coiJectors who are willing to share their knowledge again, starting with Rex A. Dixon. You will recall that Rex sent us a batch of HP- I Ganzsachen cards in DR-101. augmented by some of Ronny’s fine cards. While at IBRA last April the attendees at the GPS-HDPh joint banquet were given copies of the May. 1999, issue of STAMP Magazine. We do know that this is a mighty fine publication, but there were two articles that stood out for a person who collects i)anzig: (1) ‘Winler Relief’, by Re A. J)ixon. and (2) “Sheets Galore”, by John Rawlings. In this Report, we’ve traced the story of Winrerhilfswerk from its beginning in Germ any, through all of the stamps used ftr the purpose in Danzig. and much in between. Rex mailed some original cards and sheets to be published, for which we thank him very much.
John Rawlings’ article finds us in a similar situation. Although neither one is a “Danzig” story, they both trace the origin of a subject that cuts deeply across Danzig lines. “Danzig Blocks” is tentativeiy scheduled for DR- 101, containing a “Blockbuster” found on e-hay by Duke Day. Questions such as. “why did the blocks disappear like the dinosaurs?” will finally be answered. More fun ahead.
At the same time, wc arc sorry to postpone I lans Vogels’ “Story of the 1-Zloty Port Gdansk Stamp” until next Report. Hopefully, we will be able to paste up the Luftschutbund story that was scraped off the walls of an attic in Zoppot (newsprint does insulate. y’know) and include it with DR -107.
With 20 pages of WIIW in the computer. we’re Stopping it there and will add more information in a future Report. This will give you time to check on your collection and mail in copies of whatever you have that’s unusual on Stutthol, WHV, Nothilfe, Luiftschutzbund, etc. Needed also is technical information on flat Bed vs. Rotary printing, which impacted the size of Danzig stamps.
Last but not least, many thanks to Jim (iraue for his ecdlleni article on the South Anwrican catapult flights. This is truly a nignificenI study and is very much appreciated.
Danzig Report Nr. 106 - January - February - March - 2000, Page 2.
Hits: 3688
Added: 26/07/2015
Copyright: 2025 Danzig.org