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Gallery » Danzig Report 103 - April, May, June 1999 » Port Gdañsk Stamp Forgeries by Hans Vogels


Report No. 103

Editor: John H. Bloecher, 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, MD. 21207-5230 USA

April • May • June 1999

Port Gdañsk Stamp Forgeries by Hans Vogels

1. Introduction
The first forgeries of stamps that were used by the Polish post in the Free City of Gdarisk between 1925 and 1939 appeared already on the philatelic market before the war brought an end to this postal service. Several Polish philalelic magazines reported about them) After (he war, more and more philatelists became interested in Port (idarisk stamps; supplies were rather short and prices went up. The result was that more and more forgeries were made by overprinti ng a false “Port (idaisk” on regular Polish stamps. However. very little literature was published about the forgeries.

During the past few years. I have been able to collect a considerable amount o Port (idansk forgeries. The fact that most of them were not recognized as being a forgery by their OWflCS made me decide to write an article on the subject. This article will not be very scientific: it merely attempts to provide the reader with some basic information that can be used to quickly separate most forgeries from genuine stamps. and it shows the various forgeries that I have found so tar.

All numbers of the stamps used in this article are from the Michel catalog.

Figure 1 - Forged stamp No.6 cancetedWARSZAWA- SEJM



Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 103 - April - May - June - 1999, Page 1.

Hits: 2329

Added: 24/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
