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Gallery » Danzig Report 103 - April, May, June 1999 » Out of Despair, Great Hope (and a terrific batch of information)


In this Report:

Port Gdansk Stamp Forgeries by Hans Vogels .......................................................Page 1, 3-13
Morienkirche Card - Rebuilding Fund request in 1948! -- from Myron Fox ..........................14
Danzig at the start of World War I--- from Bill Ruh .................................................................15
The Rathaus that was Spared in 1945 -.-- from Fred Behrendt ........................................16-17
STAMP OF THE QUARTER.. .D.Reich No.719 ......................................................................18-19
John Whiteside’s Response to DR-102,Also Sprach Prof. Whiteside-Dzg.101,a Primer..20-27
What is a KANZELHAUS? ....................................................................................................28-29
REVIEW: Inf la Study Group Handbook No. 2--. Reviewed by John Neefus ..........................30
Schedule of future Reports ....................................................................................................31

Out of Despair, Great Hope (and a terrific batch of information)
The editor is responsible for all the stuff that gels puttied into these pages. so there is no excuse for Falling asleep at the switch during ttw last Report. i’lic debacle that was I )R- 302. our Stalingrad. should not he glanced over. John Whiteside came to the rescue, as can he seen from his most literate comments starting on page 20. The main points are: (I) the corrections and additions are included in this issue, and. (2) we have learned another lesson! We all owe John a vote of thanks for his patience. ‘[he “professor” is eminently qualified to lead us in search of that Course of Courses. Dzg—1O1!

Thanks to Hans Vogel
As usual, hans has produced a [Inc article thai needs little or no correction. flioroughly researched. his Port (daitsk studies have paid oft again. Wc tindcrsiand that there is more to come. Thanks!

The Future
Morris Rosen has been helping with the consirtwtion of I )R- 104, the Siirnuor study. Ills unique letters from the camp arc certainly going to enhance the story line and we will try to print stills from the videos that we made in the camp. Many. many sources contributed to this fine article which will be niailed this summer. And thanks ii, all who contnbuied to the list of future articles. The list increases wecklyl Wow ! Juisi rwvc that we ale just beguitning to scratch the suitface. (PLEASE 1%Me’T OY(ft THE REQUESt FOR SARAJIIISIAEL DiAZIG corns, aio Juuus SA0ER corns, iv OR F10 THE DRUCRERF)

IBRA Meeting in 1999
I know that some don’t like reference to future meetings. bitt many do rely on the schedules. On May the 1st, 1Q99. ii is hoped that the three I )anrig study groups (from Germany. Deninork and the U.S.A.) will guthwr at the lItRA show in Nllrenberg. Since this may he your last notice (plans arc still being formulated) Klaus Wolff said to contact the person at the stand of the Arge I )ctiIsche ()stgehiet arni ask I lcrr Kiemin for inrormation stop at Stand #AG tO on the second floor.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 103 - April - May - June - 1999, Page 2.

Hits: 2267

Added: 24/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
