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Danzig Report  -  -  DANZIG STUDY and RESEARCH GROUP

Editor: John H. Bloecher Jr., 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21207

This issue is being distributed to Study Group members at our Fall Convention. We look forward to greeting many of you here and will report (soberly) on Danzig activities (and carryings on) in our next issue.

Next Report, No. 33, will feature cards, covers, photos and architectural details of Marienkirche, including a full color page of postcards depicting the historic edifice. Look for this issue at the end of December.

The World of Danzig Philately was saddened to learn of the death of Gerhard SchUler, a foremost expert in our field. One of the original founders, in 1936, of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Sammler Danzig (Study Group of Danzig Collectors), Herr SchUler was always a helpful gentleman in defining Danzig postal history or in offering help in technical details of Danzig’s stamps. His latest 42-page booklet, Danzigs Postgeschichte, provides a concise history (in German) of the area from 1000 A.D. through the present time. At the time of his death, Herr SchUler was checking our photos of No. 158 in order to add comments or additional examples from his collection. Needless to say, the expert kept the Editor straight on a number of points. We are disappointed also to hear that Herr Karl Kniep will be unable to attend this meeting. We hope to have the pleasure of his company at the earliest possible time in the future.

A late report from a friend who specializes in German military history tells us that he may have negatives of Nazi propaganda photos taken in Danzig which haven’t been published. We’ll keep you informed.

The ARGE published the following tribute to Herr Schüler in its August issue. We think that it is appropriate for us to print a translation, since these are surely our thoughts, too.

Danzig Report  Nr. 32 - July - August - September - 1981, Page 1.

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Added: 11/06/2015
Copyright: 2025
