On 5 February 1931 the Danziger Vorposten (“Outpost”) was established as the official Gau weekly newspaper, listing Albert Forster as publisher and Arthur Greiser as editor. Five thousand copies a week were printed and, from 1933, it became a daily until 1945. The slogan “Zurick zum Reich. Gegen vertragliche Wil1kír” (“ Back to the Reich. Against the tyranny of treaties”) shouted from the masthead. Political and ethnic assaults on Poles and Polish citizens of Jewish origin by the NSDAP were reflected increasingly from October 1930. Forster’s activities with Julius Streicher in Nuremberg provided traininrr for such a task. In March 1932 the Vorposten provided the political abuse against the DNVP. President Ziehm and Senator Hinz of the DNVP initiated deportation proceedings against Gauleiter Forster, and the courts considered government libel suits against him as the publisher of the Vorposten. Flowever, the political events in Germany on 30 January 1933 caused embarrassment for the senate and the charges were quietly dropped. In April 1934, the Vorposten printed articles against the free city’s Roman Catholics, which made up one—third of the population. From his position as publisher, Forster followed every opportunity to disseminate propaganda for the NSDAP.
Take another look at the Vorposten wrapper sent in by Bill Ruh. The 23.5.39 date stamp contains a 6-line wavy cancel (Wellenlinien). Since this doesn’t appear to be listed in the cancel literature, we assume that it is quite rare. Anyone have a similar cancel??
The cover with 2 #144’s is to Berlin, 7.8.23. From liberal newspaper that survived its independence thru WW II.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 49 - October - November - December - 1985, Page 6.
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Added: 19/06/2015
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