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Gallery » Danzig Report 48 - July, August, September 1985 » The Armoury, principal lacade towards the Jopeitgasse


The Armoury, principal lacade towards the Jopeitgasse.
In the .lohannisgasse which runs parallel to the l3reit—gasse is S t. .1 olin s Church, the it ex t ch u re h in 1m port—atice to St. Mary’s. It was built between 1.57—l4(5. The ¡ n te nor is bean t 1M and riclil y fu rit ¡su cd. Tite Hi gli Altar is especially worthy of note (date 1M I), also the Crucifixion group on the Rood—Screen (i4S2), a niagni— icent mut entirely encased in brass (1 Q9), and the carving on the organ and the choir stalls.

The Vest end of tite Jopengasse is crowned by Antony van Obbergen’s master piece: tite Armoury or Zeugitaus. built itt I O5. It is tite most beautiful example of I)utch renaissance arcititecture in Danzig. The princi pal facade facing the Jopengasse shows a graceful stair case tower, rich architectural gables, a plastic figure of Minerva in the centre of tite first floor, and a charming fountain or weil.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 48 - July - August - September - 1985, Page 33.

Hits: 2390

Added: 17/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
