In This Report:
Port Gdansk Zeppelin Mail, 1932-1933 ..................................................Pages 1-12
A Card from Aifons Pilarsy ....................................................................................13
Danzig, 16 January, Anno 1732 .......................................................................14-15
The Golden House - Then and Now .....................................................................16
Symbols of the Times ......................................................................................17-19
Letters to the Editor ........................................................................................20-21
Folio Print - The Krantor - on Poland Stamp #377 ..............................................22
It’s Been SOME Year!
With two trips to Europe and the GPS convention in Baltimore, it has been one busy year. And the best part of it all was in seeing all of the friends that we have made in our study of German philately. On top of that, we had the pleasure of visiting more than thirty relatives who lived in my grandfather’s village of Wallau, near Marburg. We had nver heard from them until last year and used the Arge meeti ng at Hamm Pelkum as an excuse to visit with them for a couple of days, before leaving for Gdansk. Thanks to Burt and tloann Miller for the drive to the Heimat! In early September, Ronny and Alice van Waardhuizen visited us prior to the Balpex meeting. There, at the convention, we enjoyed more visits with old friends and much Gemütlichkeit. The study group meetings were well attended and very worthwhile. Met Jack Miskevich to discuss a joint project on the naval base at Gdynia. Bill Rub was practicing stamp collecting again; we indulged our weakness for old letters at Argyll Etkin’s well- stocked bourse. (See the results on pg.15.)
The next trip to Germany was also in September, to the BDPh bash at Donaueschingen. What a marvelous time was enjoyed by all, and we thank our hosts for the trips, banquets, meals and eating adventures! DSG members included Fred and Gussie Behrendt, Eric Nagel, Lou Ricker, Werner Bohne, Bud Hennig, Paul Marthaler, and Keith Stupell. An informal Arge meeting gave us a chance to meet with other Danzig collectors, including the researcher/author Karl Christian Weise, who wishes our study group would publish some of his color studies, to which we agreed. It also gave us a second opportunity this year to talk with Karl Kniep. 1994: The Year of Gemüflichkeit’ll
SPECIAL: The 4-page enclosure is a colorful reminder of Bud Hennig’s auctions at Köhler of last September and Januanj, 1995. Please feel free to participate.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 85 - October - November - December - 1994, Page 2.
Hits: 3396
Added: 10/07/2015
Copyright: 2025