Zeppelin Mail in Poland - Dziennik Ordinance of 1932
(Continued from cover page 1)
Between 29 August and 10 October, 1932, the dirigible Graf Zeppelin will make four flights to South America and postal traffic to Argentinal, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay is possible.
The Graf Zeppelin will depart on 29 August, 12 Septemb er, 26 September and 10 October from Friedrichshafen (Bodensee) to Pernambco (Recite) in Brasil, from which there is a convenient air connection with other South American countries.
In connection with the above-mentioned, it is possible to send mail from all post offices in Poland to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay the followi ng types of mail by the dirigible Graf Zeppelin:
1.Normal and registered letters and post cards.
2. Normal and registered printed matter, trade papers and samples.
For each kind of mail the following postages must be paid:
I. the postages according to the current rate and in addition to this
II. rates for the air transport, which amount to:
1) For mail to Brazil
a. for letters and postcards for every 5 grams of weight: 3.00 zlotys
b. for other mail (printed matter, trade papers and samples) for every 25 grams: 3.OOz.lotys.
2) For mail to Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay
a. for letters and postcards for every 5 grams of weight: 3.50 zl.
b. for other mail (printed matter, trade papers and samples) for every 25 grams of weight: 3.50 zt Mail intended for transportation by the dirigible Graf Zeppelin must be marked with the inscription: Mit [.uftschiff Graf Zeppelin.
Correctly paid and marked mail must be sent immedia tely, by the most convenient connection, to post office Poznan 3 or to post office Warsaw 2, which will send the mail directly to post office Berlin C.1.
The post offices Warsaw 2 and Poznan 3 must send mail to post office Berlin C. 2 in a special sending in the course of the week, Saturday included, before the day of departure of the flight.
Mail that is destined for air transportation by the dirig ible Grat Zeppelin, that is sent to the post offices Warsaw 2 and Poznan 3, but was received too late for sending to Berlin C. 2, must be sent to p. o. Warsaw 19 Port Lotniczy, which will send the mail to the above-mentioned city by airmail.
Circular No.PZ6O1 of 5 March 1932 (Dz.Urz.M.P.i.T. No. 4/1 932, pg.108) becomes invalid with this. No.PZ6O1 of 29 July 1932.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 85 - October - November - December - 1994, Page 3.
Hits: 3428
Added: 10/07/2015
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