A Card from Mr. Alfons Pilarzy
Hans Vogels preceding article, dedicated to a philatelist who died in 1.993, shows a very enterpns. ing person in Mr. Pilarzv. The card, pictured below, is in the collection of Mr. Sill from Wiesbaden. .The text of the 26 January 1933 note may be translated in part:
Concerning your question about the Zeppelin mail of the Polish Post Office in Danzig, / can tell you that this rare mail is no Nebenlauter (Millauter H.V.). Last year! managed to send a few registered letters from there to South America (this is the 9th SA Flight H. V) that are highly desired by Germany-Zeppelin collectors. The new Sieger catalog, 9th edition, will give additional information on this, because / told Mr. H. Sieger everything about this.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 85 - October - November - December - 1994, Page 13.
Hits: 2576
Added: 10/07/2015
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