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In This Report
Bahnpost Development around Danzig, by Ton Hulkenberg .......................................Pg. 1,3-16

Removal of the Western Ramparts ...........................................................................................17
Track Layouts ............................................................................................................................18
Major [Halle] Bits and Pieces ...................................................................................................19
Is it for real? by Duke Day.......................................................................................................... 20

As Things Are
This Report will be distributed at the GPS Convention in Minneapolis, and a couple of days later, among the study group members in Gdansk. ft’s a good one, thanks to our Dutch friends, Ton and Jenke Hulkenberg. It’s the summer type, which you snap into a binder, take out back, and enjoy with a cool drink. We must say that the authors certainly covered a lot of ground with the subject, answering questions that have perplexed us for years. Remember the Schaffner cancels In DR-30 and other past Reports? Ton has gathered information that may be the definitive answer to that question. (Incidentality, this is the first Report in which the text and illustrations of the main article were received entirely by e-mail!) The summer is here, so enjoy reading about Danzig postal rail history. You can almost hear that steam whistle.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 108 - July - August - September - 2000, Page 2.

Hits: 2028

Added: 28/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
