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Gallery » Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925 » Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925

Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925 | den Danzig -- polnischen Poststreit

upon Poland's claim concerning the sphere of activity of the Polish postal service, as set forth in the note of December 9th, 1922, claims which the Senate regarded as unjustified.

The High Commissioner, on January 6th, 1923, transmitted to the Polish Commissioner-General in Danzig the Senates application of January 4th under cover of a letter in which he said that, in his view, no decision was necessary since the decision already given made it quite clear that Poland had no right to establish a postal service extending in any respect outside the premises allotted to it. In reply to this letter the High Commissioner was informed on January 20th by Poland that she considered Danzig's application to be premature, since negotiations between the parties had hardly been begun. And in a letter dated March 2nd, 1923, the Polish postal administration proposed to the postal administration of Danzig that they should in the first place settle the limits of the area of operation of the office at Heveliusplatz, a proposition which, however, the latter Administration in a letter of March 20th, decline to accept, not considering itself competent to deal with it under Article 168 of the Warsaw Agreement. No further steps seem to have been taken to settle the question before December 1st, 1924.

The High Commissioner's decision of December 23rd, 1922, above referred to, followed an exchange of views between Poland and Danzig which took place concurrently with the discussion above described regarding Article 168 of the Warsaw Agreement.

The exchange of views above-mentioned related of the question whether Poland was entitled to establish at the Danzig main railway station not only a transshipment office but also a sorting office. As direct discussion of the matter between the parties led to no result, the High Commissioner appears to have invited them to hold a conference under his auspices. Following this conference, which took place on October 23rd, 1922, the Senate of Danzig received on November 20th a statement of the Polish standpoint which was alleged to be compatible with the High Commissioner's decision of May 25th, 1922. Danzig in her reply -- dated December 12th, 1922 -- to this note regards the Polish claim for a sorting office as indicative of a desire to make it possible for the public to dispatch letters from the Polish office at the station; that is to say, to extend the sphere of operation of the Polish postal service. This aspect of the debates leading up to the decision of December 23rd,

Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute, Seite 12.

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Added: 05/04/2016
Copyright: 2024
