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Gallery » Danzig The Germania Burelage Issue » Free City Danzig - Burelage Issue

Free City Danzig; The Germania Burelage Issue.

21. September, 1920.
Registered newspaper wrapper from Danzig to Hannover Germany with Special Delivery requested.
Wrapper is franked with a 1 MARK stamp from the burelage issue (greenish-grey burelage, points UP) and a 15 (Pf) and 25 (Pf) value from the slanted overprint issue and a 30 (Pf) stamp from the first issue. The postal rate is from May 6, 1920 and is as follows: Printed matter postage = .2 Mk., Registration = .5 Mk. and Special delivery = 1.0 Mk. The wrapper has a Danzig 1 Registration label and a red special delivery label and is cancelled with DANZIG 1v cancels dated 21.9.20. and has a receiving cancel from Hannover on 23.9.20.

25. October, 1920.
Registered postcark from Danzig to Nürnberg Germany. Card is franked with a 1 MARK stamp from the burelage issue (without burelage) and is cancelled with a DANZIG 1 circular cancel dated 10.25.20. and has a receiving cancel from Nürnberg 20 postoffice on 29.10.20.

Hits: 2373

Added: 20/03/2011
Copyright: 2024
