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How many of you own a cover similar to that above? Perhaps it contains the same stamps and cancellations, but the addressee is someone else in the United States.

We have seen two of these so far. The one shown here was accompanied by a note written by the dealer: “This cover used during the only three days airport was open”.

Now, we have the following questions for you researchers:
1. What the devil is this all about?
2. Is the cover genuine and flown, or is it a gimmick?

You can probably come up with 5 or 6 criteria to look for in establishing the authenticity of this or similar covers. (One of these, for instance, doesn’t even show in the above reproduction, but we sure do miss it!) Send in your answers to the riddle of the airport as well as the mystery cover story.

We hope to make the WAS IST? a regular feature of the Danzig Report. Tricky enigmas in your collection are invited to surface in this column, so send them in.

Next: Will those nickel and dime Empire overprints be worth Millions? Nickels and dimes, that is.


Danzig Report   Nr. 1 – March - 1975, Page 3.

Hits: 1949

Added: 23/05/2015
Copyright: 2024
