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In this report

The Age of Hevelius .................................................................................................Page 1&2
Science Awakens in the 17th Century ...........................................................................3 — 6
It’s Closer to the Stars on Korzenna Street .................................................................7 — 10
Postal Regulations — 1622 .................................................................................................10
Danzig Evolves from the Middle Ages ................................................................................11
Modern Polish Covers Commemorate Hevelius............................................................... 12
Letters to the Editor ...................................................................................................13 — 15
Garnsee’s Role in the Corridor Propaganda Puzzle .................................................16 — 19
From Friedrichshafen to Schmuck’s Dump ......................................................................20
The Great Organ Returns to Marienkirche........................................................................ 21
From the ARGE .............................................................................................................22 - 23
Danzig Portfolio Print: St. Bartholomew ...........................................................................24

The card on the right is message side of P 48/02, shown in color on Page 1. Apparently, Aunt Natalie has succombed to the Danzig Systosis Syndrome (DSS), for she reports that the last stop on their memorable trip is at wunderschone Danzig! The stamp color of P 48/02 comes in two flavors: Type a — yellow green, and Type b - blue green. Card P 47 (above, left) lacks the vertical line and wording as on the other, and the ink color is completely red, except for the green 10 Pfg. impression. Hevelius’ last appearance on Ganzsachen is in August of 1937, with P 59/02, similar to P 48/02 except for minor wording revisions.

Contributing to Report #71: Wiadyslaw Dziemianczuk, Duke Day, Bud Hennig, Giles du Boulay, Richard Veneski, Eddie Krause, Otto Bergman, Roy Dodd, Theo Henn and the ARGE.

Keep the September 6—8 weekend open for INDYPEX. Prospectus and hotel information from: Indiana Stamp Club, P.O.Box
40792, Indianapolis, IN 46240. We’ll all be there!


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 71 - April - May - June - 1989, Page 2.

Hits: 2276

Added: 30/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
