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D.S.G. at INDYPEX 1991

In September, we enjoyed a reunion with GPS and DSG members at INDYPEX 91, in Indianapolis. It was 9ood to see John Neefus again, recovering nicely from an illness and showing some examples of his new album pages. We are awaiting the forthcoming Danzig design, which should include many of the special items that we have in our stock books. One of our fine contributors, Otto Bergman, presented us with a new manuscript, as well as a memoir, that an emigre from Danzig wrote especially for our use. We will publish Otto’s latest in the next Report and work the memoirs into a future history article. Bud Hennig spoke of his impressions of visiting Danzig for the first time. Each street seemed familiar to him, and he anticipated the scenes even before turning the corner to the next street.

We were happy to meet Leroy Cram and to see Erik Nagel, Werner Bohne and George Blum again. Everyone seemed to enjoy more than a hundred slides of Danzig taken over the last two years. Scenes that aren’t familiar were shown, such as the present view from Bischofsberg (soon to be printed in these Reports), the present view of Oliva’s pool and cathedral, compared to the stamp and Ganzsachen views, and some of the southern ramparts that still exist. We also saw the interior of the Pomeranian Museum, with its Artus treasures. Luckily for the Editor, his narration was corrected by a native of Gdañsk, Wladyslaw Dziemianczuk, who was most helpful in sharing his knowledge of the city. Wiadyslaw also turned in a new manuscript on Polish Post Offices in the Free City. This is going to be a big project for 1992; we’ve been gathering material for some years and photographed a map and scenes in the Polish post office that was attacked in 1939.

Marcel Jaffee and his entourage were very pleasant banquet companions (as is everyone from Medairy, LA, we hear). And we also had a quick chat with Rudy Anders, the new Editor of the German Postal Specialist who has performed the miracle of bringing the magazine up to date within a year! Also, Jason Manchester joined us at the meeting. Did we miss anyone?

If you haven’t attended a GPS convention for a while, try to meet with us at Columbus in 1992. We are terrified that Diana is going to play the entire Ring Cycle on her accordion at the banquet, but don’t let that keep you away. (Just so she don’t up and start a-whoopin’ and a-hollerin’ like them goofy Val-Curie 9als in the Madonna outfits! Hope she don’t find no funnels in Columbus.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 73 - October - November - December - 1991, Page 20.

Hits: 1701

Added: 01/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
