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Gallery » Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925 » Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925

>> Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute 1925 | den Danzig -- polnischen Poststreit

of the Treaty of Paris means one office in the Port of Danzig. This office is that allotted to the Polish Postal Administration in the Heveliusplatz.

(b) Communications by this service from the territory of the Free City to Poland and vice versa must go from the buildings mentioned in (a) to the one place or places selected in Polish territory, and no postal, telegraphic or telephonic messages or communications or matter can be received or delivered on this route except in the establishment mentioned in (a). By the words ‘received’ and ‘delivered’ is meant reception or delivery by whatever means employed and does not distinguish between German technical postal terms.

(c) The use of letter boxes outside the limits of the building or buildings mentioned in (a) and of a collection and delivery service by means of postmen in any part of the territory of the Free City is inadmissible and contrary to the decision of 25/5/22.

(d) The office mentioned in (a) is not intended to deal with all letters posted anywhere in Danzig territory for Poland or abroad whether by Polish nationals or other inhabitants of the Free City, but intended to enable the Polish authorities legally established in Danzig territory to make up mails and dispatch them direct to Poland or abroad from that Post Office and nowhere else, and also to deal with through mails from Poland, via the Port of Danzig to countries beyond the sea and vice versa

(e) Paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Agreement of 18/4/23 regarding the Sorting Office and the Agreement of 29th August, 1924, regarding the sorting office for overseas mails in the harbor remain undisturbed by these decisions.”

The Polish Government appealed against this decision, asking for its annulment. This appeal, dated February 20th, 1925, is based amongst other things, on the allegation that the decision in question proceeded on an erroneous construction of the decision of May 25th, 1922, and

Danzig-Polish Post Office Dispute, Seite 16.

Hits: 1729

Added: 08/04/2016
Copyright: 2024
